Friday, May 15, 2009

You've hurt it again you silly boy

After some absolutly spiffing nature training (see previous post) I was all keen for the weekly thursday conditioning/training that has been happening of late. Since most of the others were either busy, injured or just soft (or hard in the case of one if he's to be belived ;p) it was just me on my own. So I decided to try to work on my cat passes (there's a tale about why I've only just learn't them, that will come all in good time). So I head to my favourite block to practice them and to my surprise I work them to a point that I could probably say that I can do one now. In my new found abillity to do them I get excited and keep doing them to try and nail the technique. And wouldn't you know it? my wrist (I hurt it a while ago. But like I said before that's another story) starts to hurt. "Ok" I think "I'll rest it and do some less wrist intensive things" so I go away do a bit o' conditioning and climb-up practice. Now that I look back climb-ups were a bad idea. But I digress, I went to play on my favourite cubes. I jump onto the shiny metal chunks of excellence, all good, I start my speedy traverse and as soon as my wrist becomes bent back past about 45 degrees, mass pain. I decided I'd trained enough for tonight and went home. The bastard is still sore when I put too much weight on it or bend it the wrong way. Oh well give it a few days and it should be right as rain.

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