Friday, May 15, 2009

Some form of training afoot

Well, it would appear that wednesday has been my most productive day of the week parkour wise. Rather than the usual "go to some urbanized area and muck about" thing that most people associate with parkour I tagged along with Elliot and Juzz to do some nature training. We met at the designated nature reserve type place, did the whole warm up thing and then begun. This training really highlighted the areas of my limited abillity that I need to work on. Mostly I'm not confident enough with how my body moves to be able to aply various techniques on the fly. One minute we'd be hopping along the rocks of the river and then Elliot would quickly duck off into some barely visible gap in the greenery without so much as a thought and I'd have to stop and figure out what I was going to do to get over. Also the not knowing what was coming made me feel all the better when I actually mannaged to take it in my stride. Basically I have to try and become better aquainted with my body and how it moves so that i can concentrate more on where I am and what's coming next rather than where my feet are and where I'll have to put them to get over that next log. I'm going to try and do some of this type of training at least once a week if I can. I may try and find some new wilderness training grounds too.

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