Sunday, May 17, 2009

Andrew MacKenzie, Super lecturer

Andrew MacKenzie must be the happiest man in the world. And why wouldn't he be when he gets payed to give a lecture about how excellent he thinks he is? Having had two units run by this fine example of pomposity I was prepared for a lecture with no definable benefit to my education or life in general. But it would seem that MacKenzie is so clever that he can not only ramble on at students for an hour about how he went to victoria and took some pictures of the bushfires and not have me know what the point was, he has managed to make the university think that he is so smart that they give him money to blather on about topics such as these full time. But I digress, the main thing I picked up from this lecture is that he thinks he's some sort of environmental design superhero that's going to fly in and save victoria just like he saved canberra. Sadly this was my first MacKenzie lecture to be endured without Tim. I can only wonder what amazing carachters he would have concocted in that lecture? Would a carachter rivaling the excellence of Dungaree Mouse have arissen? Who's to say? All I know is that Andrew MacKenzie is clearly the greatest man in the world and that this is why I have a Poster of him on my wall.

I think I may write some sort of fable about MacKenzie later. Perhaps "the Adventures of Andrew MacKenzie and the purple shoehorn"

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