Sunday, May 17, 2009

My god I'm bored

I've spent most of today beeing bored. I had to go finish that damn group assignment for Waterhouse, which was sadly the highlight of my day. After that I went home, forced my self not to go training because I need to rest my wrist, played portal, generally wasted time on the internet (still am) and tried to do more work for Waterhouse. And that's where I'm at now. I'm listening to Ensiferum and blogging. Fuck blogging is gay, but no other form of ammusement/procrastination has presented it self yet so blog it is. Mostly I'm wasting time till my excellent roast dinner that I won't be able to enjoy due to being full of subway. Mmmm... that was a fine sandwich. I'd like to go out and climb something but I really can't (God damn wrist! man up you pansy bastard!).

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