Monday, May 10, 2010
Well not much had happened since the last post of 10 or so minutes ago, but oh well. Agalloch is swell. Like really. Sure its depressing and gloomy, but in an awesome way. I wish I could make music but I'm far too untallented and tone deaf. Perhaps if I were to start a guitar wolf-esque band I would have more success. I've been listening to my guitar wolf cd's again lately. I think I need some more. And a leather jacket. And a motorcycle. If I could smoke with out smelling like shit and dying I'd do that too. But more CD's fo' sho'. Once I have some monies I shall make haste to songland to order some. Guitar wolf is too cool to be kept in stock by most shops so they don't bother. Land speed tried it once I think, but then they realised that they catered to the soft cock emo skater crowd and promptly got rid of anything remotly good. Although I did get my favourite slayer shirt there. I used to be so proud of it. I thought I was such a bad ass. Now I realise that is not the case. And that I in fact need a leather jacket and a motorcycle to achive this. Which leads me to the leather jacket I found in the cupboard. My family has a cupboard full of motorcycle equipment like boots and jackets and the like an there was a jacket in there that fitted me perfectly. Unfourtunatly it would look no good without a motorcycle with me at all times. I would like a motorcycle but Ican't justify owning one. Oh well.
I wish I could spell the sound I just made...
I just made a sound. This sound expressed all my feelings toward doing any homework tonight. that is to say I really can't be bothered. I have spent probably the last 3 hours sitching back and forth between 3 or 4 sites wating for something new to pop up to keep me amused. Eventually that got tiresome so I opened word. The I went back to check those 3 or 4 sites again just incase something interesting had happened in the time it took me to open word. Nothing had happened. BUT! I remembered about this dumb old thing that I should feel bad for having. Surly this will be a splendid way to not start writing a report on my RP project! So far its OK I guess. I'd like to think I could put down some meaning full or ammusing words but I can't think of any. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Thursday, May 21, 2009
I'm in pain, in a good way
Eliot certainly is a cruel and unusual gentleman. Most parts of my body are sore. My muscles will most likely be on fire tomorrow at work.
I've been conditioning again. For starters a brisk 2km run done in 10min 2 sec, I need to get faster. After that a side of wall sits goining in 1 minute, 45 second and 2 minute sets, I didn't make it all the way through. I need to make my legs stronger. The plank. The plank is a c**t. 1 minute, 45 second and 2 minute sets again just to set the 'ol abs on fire. I couldn't do it all. 5 X 100m sprints with a 30 second gap between. I did it, but I could do it better. Push ups. Due to my wrist being a dick I haveto do them on my fists which is harder. 40-50 I lost count. 50 back raises. Well I did that with relative ease. I guess I have a really strong lower back. Basically I'm still comparitively weak compared to the others. Need more training.
On another note, before conditioning I was getting some sweet vaults. They were awesome. Over big stuff not just little walls. But due to that ball at the belconen library beeing gnarly as fuck I took a chunk out of my hand doing it.
Good times
I've been conditioning again. For starters a brisk 2km run done in 10min 2 sec, I need to get faster. After that a side of wall sits goining in 1 minute, 45 second and 2 minute sets, I didn't make it all the way through. I need to make my legs stronger. The plank. The plank is a c**t. 1 minute, 45 second and 2 minute sets again just to set the 'ol abs on fire. I couldn't do it all. 5 X 100m sprints with a 30 second gap between. I did it, but I could do it better. Push ups. Due to my wrist being a dick I haveto do them on my fists which is harder. 40-50 I lost count. 50 back raises. Well I did that with relative ease. I guess I have a really strong lower back. Basically I'm still comparitively weak compared to the others. Need more training.
On another note, before conditioning I was getting some sweet vaults. They were awesome. Over big stuff not just little walls. But due to that ball at the belconen library beeing gnarly as fuck I took a chunk out of my hand doing it.
Good times
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Apparently I'm interesting
I have my first follower. Horay I guess. Look forward to more random posts about me climbing things, hurting my self, getting drunk then cimbing things, getting drunk then hurting my self, yelling at lecturers, breaking my car ect. Good work Alberta! If I had any form of prize pack one would be dispatched you way via horse back courier with minimum delay.
On an unrelated note my wrist is still that of a 12 year old. That is to say its still weak as hell. I've taken to waring fashionable clothing to reduce the likelyhood of me going training and hurting it again. I don't really own fashionable clothes so this method will only last so long.
This is a picture that has been amusing me greatly for the last few weeks. I can't help but laugh uncontrolably when I see it, or even think about it. So I thought I'd share.
On an unrelated note my wrist is still that of a 12 year old. That is to say its still weak as hell. I've taken to waring fashionable clothing to reduce the likelyhood of me going training and hurting it again. I don't really own fashionable clothes so this method will only last so long.

This is a picture that has been amusing me greatly for the last few weeks. I can't help but laugh uncontrolably when I see it, or even think about it. So I thought I'd share.
My god I'm bored
I've spent most of today beeing bored. I had to go finish that damn group assignment for Waterhouse, which was sadly the highlight of my day. After that I went home, forced my self not to go training because I need to rest my wrist, played portal, generally wasted time on the internet (still am) and tried to do more work for Waterhouse. And that's where I'm at now. I'm listening to Ensiferum and blogging. Fuck blogging is gay, but no other form of ammusement/procrastination has presented it self yet so blog it is. Mostly I'm wasting time till my excellent roast dinner that I won't be able to enjoy due to being full of subway. Mmmm... that was a fine sandwich. I'd like to go out and climb something but I really can't (God damn wrist! man up you pansy bastard!).
Andrew MacKenzie, Super lecturer
Andrew MacKenzie must be the happiest man in the world. And why wouldn't he be when he gets payed to give a lecture about how excellent he thinks he is? Having had two units run by this fine example of pomposity I was prepared for a lecture with no definable benefit to my education or life in general. But it would seem that MacKenzie is so clever that he can not only ramble on at students for an hour about how he went to victoria and took some pictures of the bushfires and not have me know what the point was, he has managed to make the university think that he is so smart that they give him money to blather on about topics such as these full time. But I digress, the main thing I picked up from this lecture is that he thinks he's some sort of environmental design superhero that's going to fly in and save victoria just like he saved canberra. Sadly this was my first MacKenzie lecture to be endured without Tim. I can only wonder what amazing carachters he would have concocted in that lecture? Would a carachter rivaling the excellence of Dungaree Mouse have arissen? Who's to say? All I know is that Andrew MacKenzie is clearly the greatest man in the world and that this is why I have a Poster of him on my wall.
I think I may write some sort of fable about MacKenzie later. Perhaps "the Adventures of Andrew MacKenzie and the purple shoehorn"
I think I may write some sort of fable about MacKenzie later. Perhaps "the Adventures of Andrew MacKenzie and the purple shoehorn"
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